Sunday, January 2, 2011

A very happy new year!

So far 2011 has been an outstanding year! I never thought I would have a working CNC machine by Jan. 1 but things have really come together this weekend.
I'll start with the old Dell computer that was scavenged for it's case and many of its fasteners.

 Getting all the parts mounted like you see here took me over a day and a half.
 All the electronics and computer supply stores were closed on new years day. CRAP! So when in a pinch, make your own nuts!
 Two days of work and this is finally ready for some testing.

Thanks to a few online video tutorials I was able to check the connection from my computer to my motor controllers before attempting to drive the motors. And with much delight everything worked perfectly!

Here's my first test of all three motors.

After having dinner around 12:30 am on Jan.2, I decided it was good to clean up the shop before finalizing the CNC machine. Here the term "clean up" is a huge understatement. I guess it was good to let my brain rest for a bit.

Lastly, before calling myself to bed around 3:30am, I mounted up the motors and decided to jog the machine around a bit. The video did not record properly but you get the idea.
More to come soon!


  1. Wow! It's looking great Wade. I wish I could see the last video though, it says it's a private video.

  2. Very cool! That's EXACTLY how you get into CNC! You just gotta have the desire to learn, then you gotta jump in with both feet!

    Very cool, proud of ya! Keep it up!


  3. Dang! Nice work, that is really impressive. I can't wait to see you start interfacing with the software now
