Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bridgeport CNC Mill First Cut



  1. It is a beautiful thing!!!!

  2. cant wait to see the things this machine will make

  3. Any chance you could give us a few pics of the finished control cabinet. I'm working on a Boss 4 and could use a little input. I'm going with cnc4pc stuff but don't recognize all the components like the unit just below the round power supply. Any way I could get a list of what you used? Great job and keep up the cool stuff!

  4. That box you don't recognize is a 24V power supply for the for the air valves. Parts list:
    63V-1000W power supply from Antek, Gecko 203V motor controllers set to 7Amps (full power) with the CNC4PC cat5 adapters, CNC4PC BreakoutBoard C32 which has the spindle speed controller on board. The 3 phase spindle motor is controlled by an ABB motor controller and phase converter, which accepts a 10V speed signal from the C32 board. A 5V power supply for the electronics. The MPG4 manual pulse generator.

  5. Check out my earlier post for pictures

  6. Still following your work, nice job! Had a few questions. Did you consider the c45 limit and home board(cnc4pc) for your limit switches or did you find a better solution? Did you use the existing limit switches on the bridgeport? Your radius on the dozer pin remover came out very nice. I was worried that the steppers on the bridgeport would be a little jumpy on the circular cuts. What is the smallest incremental movement you can get .001 or .0005 or less. My components are on the way! I hope I'm not bothering you with my questions. Your pics are very helpful. Keep up the good work, Karl

    1. No need for the C45, the C32 accepted 3 limit switch inputs which i wired up to the existing limit switches on the bridgeport. The bridgeport steppers accurately move 0.001" at a time but i have noticed maybe 0.002" of backlash in the ball screws. Hope you get yours working!

    2. Have everything almost together. Went with a little bigger power supply. Wired all 3 limit switches NC and connects to one input on the c-32. Use a c-15 to control an outlet for the coolant or vacuum. Was able to fit the computer and the vfd in the control cabinet. Nice tight fit! I did have a question about your vfd. I actually cheated and ordered the same as you. How did you connect the 230volt to the (L) and (N). Did you combine the 2 115v together and then connect to (L) with the neutral to the (N) or did you go with 115 to the (L) and 115 to the (N) ? This is my last big ordeal before chips hit the floor, everything is wired and ready to go!!!! Thanks for your video, it was the motivator to hurry and get my machine done, Karl

    3. Hey great job, I hope to see a video of your first cut soon! Yeah, honestly we already had an ABB VFD motor controller here in the shop so i just cheated and copied it too! It's a really sweet unit. Here is the wiring diagram i used for the motor hookup.
      Look at the bottom right image, refer to "low voltage -delta" configuration

  7. I love your setup and was looking to replicate it for my own upgrade. I was wondering if you kept the machines mechanical limit switches, and if so, could you elaborate on how you wired them to the C32 board?

    1. Hey Brad, yes I left the Bridgeport limit switches in place, and i had to wire them into the RJ45 connectors for the C32 board (tiny 22ga wires). Only one problem, the C32 signal puts out 5v, and the bridgeport switches were designed for something higher maybe 12 or 24 volts, so if you don't install a step up resistor you will have some problems. I got tired of messing with it and now just run without limits (the z axis was tripping a false hard limit during operations). Soft limits in Mach3 tell me when I'm out of line. Hope this helps!

    2. It gets me on my way, and I really appreciate it!
