Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Shapes 'n things

Yesterday Pinto successfully ran his first cuts on the CNC router, and I was not there to keep an eye on him so it was pretty cool to see this when I got back from laying asphalt. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Router upgraded again, hopefully the last

The linear guide bearings needed a minor adjustment, which again improved the performance of the machine by reducing error at the tool tip. I still need to find a way to clean the track in front of the bearings while they roll...

Also, everybody meet Daniel Pinto. He will be interning at Alamo CNC a few hours a week. His job will primarily be to maintain and operate the wood router while I run the CNC milling machine.

Fazio follow up

Very nice all acrylic sign. It will not fade for many years to come.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Fazio Floors 2

A fantastic looking 4' x 7' all acrylic sign. 

Some more detail on how it was made. I had to make two separate cutting operations because the lettering was longer than my machine!

A stepped edge was used to inlay the grey squares.